The Hayden Khomera: A Hayden Flu
It is more like a "Swine Flu" as tagged by Katrina " Binaboy ako". She really was. Although, a perfect lovemaking really is Wild. You cannot argue with that. Sex has to be wild. However, "SWINING"activates the meaning of its act, when the event was recorded. Hayden Kho is just "one-of-the" men who fond of taping such sex activity. Some say its alright, men are 'explorative' and naturally aggresive. No comment. We really are. I would be hypocrite if I would disagree (super naka tago ang scandal ko no...hehehe) It is just so happened the subjects of the video are both celebrities. For the press,
it is a fuckin big NEWS to report. For the men, it is a God damn hot stuff. For women, it is "SWINING". That is the reality. That is in our mind. My head bows to Katrina for fighting it. At least thru her the Congress has awaken. That's how law works in this country. It needs somebody to experience such painful event before to take action.
To Hayden, your are...really... If Katrina Halili was a boy, she would understand you. To both of you, good luck for this moment that marked history not only on the world wide web but on the mind of each filipino that tattoed to our hearts. " WE SAW WHAT YOU DID". To the Brazilian, you better get back home in BRAZIL. To the new young artist, don't expect you would be successful on your showbiz career.This is the challenge, even how strong the "to-become-law" pirates, DVD burners, bluetooth, etc the power is still turned 'on' to record and reproduce. Anyway, I would be one of the human rights advocate to stop such piracy and implement such rule. To you readers, MAKE LOVE,don't install Hayden Khomera!Ok???
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