Davao Cyber Expo- Showcase of super computers

Half of my life, I would say, is on the "techy" world. Engrossed what's the latest games, softwares and hardwares in the store. Though, can't sometimes afford, as long as I am updated, it feels like I possess it.
My blood vessels pumped to the max when a friend tagged me of an event to be held at SM city Davao. Davao Cyber Expo.After reading the info, I was like praying " Lord sana hindi ako busy that time, so I could participate". If it happens, it would be my firs time to share my customized PC under CORE i3 processor. Anyway, I just want to share to you pipz, the exhibition of all best computers in the city. Why not come to SM City on July 23-25,2010 and be amazed! Or you may join and win prizes! Elimination is going on!

The event brought to us by SM CITY, BLINQUE, INTEL

Wholeday Getaway

Yes, it was holiday! (Jun30,2010)

While the country was celebrating for the new president, me and my friends in the industry celebrated also not for the Philippines but for ourselves. A moment of pausing our nerves and brain cells to think about WORK.

For the whole day, everything was new. New breeze.New sounds.New people.New places. New experiences. New me. A total new diversion to exude STRESS.

With the exclusive “lantsa”, we were able to visit most of the bests of SAMAL. Truely wonderful. Virgin!
It felt like I was far from the real world.Far from obligations.Far from what is called “ME”.

The sea rides made my whole day complete. “Kayaking” made me realize the use of my muscle.Hehe. The sail boat taught me to use my weights in order to have balance with the weights of the rest of the onboards making it a wavy yet smooth sailing from an island to another island. The adventure was naturally clean. No gas. No CFC. Purely air that brought us everywhere.

Despite of the UV rays and hottah hottah momentum, the getaway was still perfect. Well, it can be proven. Camera lenses don’t lie.


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