Chest pain after heavy beer drinking

Chirstmas and New Year celebration are two big events of our lives that we cannot afford  not to drink beers with relatives and friends until dawn or until tomorrow with fatty foods and salty dishes. Consequently, after heavy celebrations, we feel discomfort within us.

Last new year celebration ( 2013) I had fun drinking outside our house along the street with cousins. We had 2 cases of Red Horse beer and ate a lot. From 12am, we ended the laughing and beer drinking until 7am. I wasn't able to sleep that time since I have nephews and nieces playing around the corner so I decided to wake up. Surely, I had 2 hours only rest time after the heavy drinking.

As of this writing from January 1, I feel something strange beneath my ribs. Slight chest pain, slight short of breath. I wanted to go to hospital but I think it would be useless since I know the beer caused it all. I just wanted to know how to get rid of this chest pain.

I searched around the internet and found the same problem.

"I have the same exact symptoms! Drinking the night before... I'll have a hangover in the morning... But nothing too bad. The real fun starts late that afternoon with wheezing and chest discomfort. Then that night, trying to go to sleep.. I feel like the involuntary mechanism that makes u breathe is broken. I have to "remember" to breath. Then when I finally fall asleep.. I'll wake up panting for breath... Like I stopped breathing. I know that this is 100% due to the alcohol the night before... But sometimes I can drink like a fish and not have he next day symptoms. I have been suffering with this for about three years. My doctor is zero help. I wish someone online would help... "

Here is another experience from the forum

I to struggle with breathing difficulties after a night out drinking. I can relate with some of the comments made above; I regularly attend the gym and have also ran half marathons on several occasions; however if I drink on a weekend I'm guaranteed to be short of breath for 1-2 days after the event. Again I only drink one night a week at most and have been to the doctors who have given me blood tests and an ECG etc. which have all come back negative. I’ve taken myself to hospital on two occasions in the past, where my breathing became so laboured I actually thought I was dying. Both times health professionals have sent me away diagnosing the problem as anxiety; however I'm generally quite a relaxed person and find the breathing problem as more of an inconvenience rather than something which frightens me to the point of having a panic attack. I also find that apart from the breathing problem on occasion I also feel faint at stages during the day and that I have to focus not to fall unconscious. I never have fallen unconscious but it is still obviously a concern. I don’t really suffer from any kind of acid or heart burn etc. however I have noticed that the back of my throat does need clearing regularly the next day after a drink. I would really appreciate any feedback from anyone suffering from the same problem or anyone who has been able to diagnose/remedy the problem. I don't think this can be a huge health problem as I’ve been suffering from it for about five years now and I still feel fit provided I don’t drink. It’s maybe just an allergy but it does happen if I drink coffee also? "

If you have the same problem and successfully get rid of it, can you suggest any meds to drink or other ways to at least prevent it or kill this pain inside? Thank you in advance


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