Review: Man of Steel as Man not the Super

No doubt why Superman is the most expensive cartoon character in my iPad's action game app called "Injustice".

 Superman, for me, is the mightiest among superheroes since the generation of DC and Marvel heroes and I was again convinced that this flying beast is really 'super' after watching Zack Snyder's Man of Steel.

Chris Nolan, who wrote the story together with David Goyer, has successfully brought the best of the cheesy "S" in superman's chest. This generation indeed has its own superman. I was really thinking hard as to how will the production introduce or describe the mysterious S without compromising the toughness and the seriousness of the film. I don't want to sound like I'm spoiling it so I will leave the meaning of that 'S' of the planet Krypton to you. Or unless, I am the dullest person on earth that I didn't know that it had already been introduced back then.Please tell me. Lol.

Flashbacks. Lots of flashbacks to tie back the missing links while viewers will also experience the struggle of an alien in human-look surviving the human-of-God atmosphere. The Man of Steel played by the gorgeous Henry Cavill dramatically overcame his yesterdays full of questions and his futuristic super power but failed to deliver the "steelness"of the character. He was not that super. He was a man.

A man who cried for the love of his real parents. Who left the world in chaos whenever his mother faced danger. Who kissed torridly. His entire body is filled with micro substances like iron and lead or steel as Commander Zod's expert said, his father Jor-el (played amazingly by Russel Crowe) magically installed the Heart of Krypton to every cell of Kal-El. Amazingly, he can still feel that LOVE and maybe lust despite the chemical and mechanical functions in his body. I am just being scientific. Forget about it.

Over-all, it is entertaining. Lots of explosion and destruction. While the world in the film started to tremble and the high rise edifices began to collapse, you will experience the same CGI quality in the master of destruction movie -Transformers.

His flying prowess like a jet or 'The Flash' provides enough amusement to me. I commend how Kal-El / Clark/ Superman being framed while on air. The gritty wide shot following him fly with an unthinkable speed is awesomely breath-taking especially when you are watching it in 3D.

My Rating
4 out of 5.


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